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Basic Christian Beliefs

God the Father - God the Father is the all knowing, all powerful, ever present, everlasting, just, loving, creator of the universe. God is the father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is perfect and cannot sin. He has always existed and always will. Although invisible, God's divine attributes are plainly seen through what has been created by him giving us no excuse for atheism.


Jesus - Jesus is God’s one and only unique Son and is also God himself. Born of a virgin, and living a sinless life, Jesus was our perfect visible example of our invisible God. He did and does only what pleases God the father. He was sent by God to live a sinless life, giving us the perfect example to follow, and to die on the cross, in love, to pay the penalty for our sins. It is through faith in Jesus and ONLY through faith in Jesus that we can have a good relationship with God, be forgiven for our sins and receive the free gift of eternal life.   


The Holy Spirit - The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God (Also known as the Spirit of Christ) given to us when we put our faith in Jesus Christ. He is at work in the lives of all Christians and is responsible for developing within each believer the character of Christ. He is the miracle working power of God in the world and responsible for enabling and empowering Christ’s followers to serve God in accordance with his will.


Man - Mankind, created by God and made in his image and likeness, turned from God and sinned against him. It is only through the atoning death of Jesus Christ that we are made right with God upon our profession of faith in him. Our primary purpose for living is to be loved by God and in return to love God by sharing his love with others.


Salvation - Salvation is needed by all mankind to be made right with God and is only available through faith in God's son Jesus Christ. Jesus paid for our sins when he died on the cross and then he rose from the dead on the third day. He ascended into heaven where he now sits at the right hand of the throne of God interceding on behalf of sinful man as we put our faith and trust in him for the forgiveness of our sins.


The Bible - The Bible contains within itself the very words of God. It is the supreme authority for Christians here on earth. The Bible was written by 40 different authors over a span of 1,500 years on 3 different continents and contains 66 books. We believe that all of the books in the Bible are divinely inspired and intended by God to be included in the Bible.

The Church - The one true Church is comprised of all of those who believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. There are no denominations or separations except that which man imagines. No one person is the leader of the Christian Church as a whole except Christ himself and we (believers) are all his subjects.

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